Superior letter
Superior \Su*pe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of superus being above,
fr. super above, over: cf. F. sup['e]rieur. See Super-, and
cf. Supreme.]
1. More elevated in place or position; higher; upper; as, the
superior limb of the sun; the superior part of an image.
[1913 Webster]

2. Higher in rank or office; more exalted in dignity; as, a
superior officer; a superior degree of nobility.
[1913 Webster]

3. Higher or greater in excellence; surpassing others in the
greatness, or value of any quality; greater in quality or
degree; as, a man of superior merit; or of superior
[1913 Webster]

4. Beyond the power or influence of; too great or firm to be
subdued or affected by; -- with to.
[1913 Webster]

There is not in earth a spectacle more worthy than a
great man superior to his sufferings. --Spectator.
[1913 Webster]

5. More comprehensive; as a term in classification; as, a
genus is superior to a species.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Bot.)
(a) Above the ovary; -- said of parts of the flower which,
although normally below the ovary, adhere to it, and
so appear to originate from its upper part; also of an
ovary when the other floral organs are plainly below
it in position, and free from it.
(b) Belonging to the part of an axillary flower which is
toward the main stem; posterior.
(c) Pointing toward the apex of the fruit; ascending; --
said of the radicle.
[1913 Webster]

Superior conjunction, Superior planets, etc. See
Conjunction, Planet, etc.

Superior figure, Superior letter (Print.), a figure or
letter printed above the line, as a reference to a note or
an index of a power, etc; as, in x^2 + y^n, 2 is a
superior figure, n a superior letter. Cf. {Inferior
figure}, under Inferior.
[1913 Webster]
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